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Blue Light Blocking Glasses Can Protect Your Eyes and Prevent Many Problems

Are you wondering whether blue light blocking glasses are any good? Well, the simple answer is they can stop your headaches and they can also help you get enough sleep. If you work long hours in front of a computer screen or if you are often checking your tablet or smartphone, then it makes sense for you to find out just how these eyewear items can benefit you.
The simple truth is that even if you stare at a computer screen for just one hour every day, you risk damaging your eyes from the effects of blue lights. These blue lights cause eye strain and they also can prevent you from getting enough sleep at night.

Exposure to Blue Light is Bad
When it becomes dark our bodies receive signals that there is insufficient light. On receiving these signals, the human body produces melatonin, which is the hormone that puts us to sleep. When your eyes are exposed to blue light after dark, there is a delay in the start of this melatonin production in the body and this can hamper your ability to sleep at night. This is because blue lights are also responsible for keeping us alert.

Small Benefits of Blue Light
It is not all bad news because blue light is also responsible for helping us overcome any sleep problems we are experiencing by disrupting our normal circadian rhythm. Blue light is known to cause many problems including digital eye strain and it is also the reason why you may go blind.

Special Lenses
Blue light blocking glasses are glasses with particular types of lenses that are capable of filtering and blocking blue lights. Thus, when you wear these glasses and you look at your computer screen after dark, they will reduce the amount of blue light that hits your eyes. Another reason to choose blue light blocking glasses is they can also cut eye strain. They are normally designed to be worn during the day while working in front of your computer screen. At night, when you wear them, they can prevent the blue lights emitted by the computer screen from keeping us alert and awake.

Are These Glasses a Good Investment?
Should you invest in blue light blocking glasses? It all depends on whether you primarily work in front of a computer screen at night or not. If you are not able to fall asleep at regular times, then these glasses may prove to be a solution. Also, these glasses can help cut eye strain and so this is one more reason to invest in them. Even when using them, it is a good idea to remove your focus from the computer screen every twenty minutes. When you remove your eyes from the computer screen, you should refocus them on something that is at least twenty feet from your eyes and you should do this for about twenty seconds.
The bottom line is blue light blocking glasses are a good option for those who are experiencing a lack of sleep and who are also worried about eye strain. When you use these glasses after dark, they will prove to be even more effective.